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Konstruierte Anklage gegen Marfa Rabkova

22. November 2020

Nach ihrer Festnahme am 17. September wurde die Menschenrechtsverteidigerin Marfa Rabkova am 25. September des "Training von Menschen zur Teilnahme an Aufständen" angeklagt. Im Falle einer Verurteilung drohen ihr bis zu drei Jahre Haft. Sie ist eine gewaltlose politische Gefangene, die nur wegen ihrer friedlichen Menschenrechtsarbeit ins Visier genommen wird. Sie muss umgehend und bedingungslos freigelassen werden.

Helfen Sie mit.

Schicken Sie eine E-Mail an den Genralstaattsanwalt von Belarus.




Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus
Andrei Shved
UI. Internatsionalnaya 22

220030 Minsk

E-Mail: info@prokuratura.gov.by


Dear Prosecutor General,

I am deeply worried about the criminal prosecution of Marfa Rabkova, a woman human rights defender. She was detained on 17 September and on 25 September she was charged under Article 293(3) of the Criminal Code and faces up to three years in prison if convicted. She is currently remanded in pre-trial detention centre No. 1 in Minsk.

Marfa Rabkova is a prisoner of conscience and has committed no crime. Prosecuting her for peacefully exercising her human rights and protecting the rights of others is a breach of Belarus’ obligations under international human rights law.

The Belarusian authorities must stop persecuting members of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" and other civil society activists and respect the rights to freedom of association and expression of all persons in Belarus.

I urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Marfa Rabkova, as well as all other prisoners of conscience in Belarus, and to drop all charges against her.

Yours sincerely,



Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus
Andrei Shved
UI. Internatsionalnaya 22

220030 Minsk

E-Mail: info@prokuratura.gov.by


Dear Prosecutor General,

I am deeply worried about the criminal prosecution of Marfa Rabkova, a woman human rights defender. She was detained on 17 September and on 25 September she was charged under Article 293(3) of the Criminal Code and faces up to three years in prison if convicted. She is currently remanded in pre-trial detention centre No. 1 in Minsk.

Marfa Rabkova is a prisoner of conscience and has committed no crime. Prosecuting her for peacefully exercising her human rights and protecting the rights of others is a breach of Belarus’ obligations under international human rights law.

The Belarusian authorities must stop persecuting members of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" and other civil society activists and respect the rights to freedom of association and expression of all persons in Belarus.

I urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Marfa Rabkova, as well as all other prisoners of conscience in Belarus, and to drop all charges against her.

Yours sincerely,